Workrise IDentity system 1.0
From a 13 company merger comes a company purpose-built to revolutionize the way work gets done across 6 industrial industries.
How do we do that? By becoming the #1 career building destination for skilled laborers across Commercial Construction, Oil & Gas, Wind and Solar. And by providing the tools and technology for the world’s most ambitious companies to manage their contingent workforce at scale.
Let’s get to work.

A Central Challenge
How do you build a brand that can be at home in the tech HQ, as well as a job site? Oil rig? Wind farm? Ship yard? You bake in versatility.

At the end of every day, Workrise puts dinner on the table for thousands of working families.
We created Stories from the Field to tell that story in as human and honest a way as possible.
One system. Infinite possibilities.
Since the brand launch in February, 2021, we’ve aggressively gone after skilled laborers and the companies that hire them across the industries we serve. Here’s a look at some of the campaigns we’ve launched since inception as we’ve continued to push at the limits of the system we created.