2023 Integrated Campaign

what is efficiency?

For the launch of the first product in the Workrise Source-to-Pay suite, we took on a difficult creative challenge: How can you take a concept as everyday and unexciting as efficiency and breathe new life into it?

And more importantly, can something as basic as efficiency be the wedge that gets under customers skin? So that they see that in truth, there is so much more to be done here?

Thank you to the team at Scholar for helping us bring this campaign to life.

What is Efficiency? (30s)

What is Efficiency? (15s)

Scroll Stoppers

To support the longer 30 and 15 second spots, we created a series of 6s designed specifically to test a range of value props in mobile feeds (Linkedin, Facebook, X) and streams (YouTube. Pandora).

Conversion Statics


A Call to Action for Energy


Workrise Identity System 2.0